Friday, January 20, 2012


     I was a bit iffy about doing this, at first. When Mrs. Kiick told us that we'd be doing self-portraits, I got nervous. Back when I was in Studio Arts with Mrs. Hargrove, I struggled greatly with self-portraits. I never thought I was any good after that, so I never bothered to try again. However, it's been years since, so I thought I'd give it another try. I've only known Mrs. Kiick for a short amount of time, and by now I found that she likes to add a little twist to things. This was no ordinary self-portrait, but a little challenge never hurt anybody. Drawing myself surprisingly came at ease for me this time, and tracing it over with a Sharpie was no biggie either. Now, it was time to start painting (I dreaded painting). It's not that I thought painting was a pain... I just thought that I was horrible at it. Well, it turns out that I'm not so bad. After mixtures of paints, I found the right color. I was really pleased with the outcome of my portrait painted, but it was time to take it to the next level...inking. I love the outcome of my portrait inked, I thought it made it look much more intriguing. After letting the ink dry, it was onto rinsing. I was afraid to put my portrait directly under the faucet, so instead, I held it off to the side and brought the water over to it. I wanted to highlight some features of my face by rubbing the specific area with my fingers. While doing so, I was unaware of what was happening at the bottom of my portrait.  This accident resulted in a great success, and in my opinion, actually made my portrait that much better, it became the main focus point of my portrait. I can now say that I throughly enjoyed the process of it all.


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