Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ceramics In-Progress.

I feel like everything is a first for me in Mrs. Kiick's class. Well, everything we've done besides sketching, and we only spent a very short amount of time sketching. It's funny because I rarely ever like change. However, with Mrs. Kiick as my art teacher, she's unpredictable. So now she's got us working with clay, another first for me. I've always wanted to work with clay, but I was just never given the opportunity. I absolutely find so much joy working with clay. I love the feeling of it when it's soft, and all mushy-gushy. It's gives me this feeling of youth, like I'm a 6 year old, oozing Play-Doh out between my fingers again. It's just so cool that this certain clay Mrs. Kiick has got us working with, can go through different phases of texture and dryness. I've only made two bowls, and partially Khaelyss's face out of clay. The first bowl was just to get the idea of working with the material. My second bowl, I am still currently working on. It's for my plate setting, actually. I'm basing my plates on someone who has played a very important role in my life, and still does. I don't get to see her as much now, but that doesn't mean her importance to me has lessened. She is who I must thank for giving me the most memorable childhood anyone could ever ask for. You'll learn more about my person as I proceed with this project. Hopefully after all that I tell you, it'll start to show in my work. All I'll say for now is that those hot sunny days I spent at the pool, and watching The Little Mermaid with that particular person, has got me creating one very interesting-looking bowl.

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